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Hardware Resources. GPU-STOMP: These results are reproduced from the original Matrix Profile II paper - NVIDIA Tesla K80 (contains 2 GPUs) and serves as the performance benchmark to compare against.. STUMP.2: stumpy.stump executed with 2 CPUs in Total - 2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v4 @ 2.20GHz processors parallelized with Numba on a single server without Dask.

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总部位于芝加哥的加密货币交易所ErisX已经推出了自己的实物结算的比特币期货合约,这意味着投资者将获得真正的加密货币而非现金等价物。由美国经纪公司TD Ameritrade支持 TD Ameritrade推出基于ErisX的实物比特币期货 ,威力外汇 鸟叔、SNH48《江南style+倍儿爽》(SNH48第三届年度总决选演 … Jul 31, 2016 swg2771055912的文章 金评媒 -

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