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【GoForTrading】【Go 交易】 【DeepDiscountTrading 極度折扣 … . 同场加映: 1、支持中国大陆银行卡入金的美股券商2、不限金额无限T+0的券商3、免佣金的港美股券商4、支持美股打新的美股券商5、港股美股开户优惠汇总6、港股美股开户最新优惠7、免费办理美国银行卡SureTrader,总部位于避税天堂巴哈马,是少数支持信用卡入金的美股券商(美股券商对比),所以 Login to your account. Email address. Password

2016年12月2日 ③ DAS | Pro是一个专业的交易平台,提供实时的高级的订单类型,图表和 Sterling Trader Pro每月230美元; DAS的Active Webtrader版本每月30 

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1 Minute Review. SureTrader is a Bahamas-based broker/dealer regulated by the Securities Commission of the Bahamas.The draw for traders is the ability to sidestep the United States SEC pattern day SureTrader Review Summary. There are not that many opportunities for traders around the world today trade U.S. stocks intensively with less than US$ 25,000 of capital. SureTrader allows traders to open an account with a US$ 500 minimum deposit to trade with high leverage of 1:6 intraday (e.g., $500*6=$3,000 buying power). SURETRADER REVIEW . SureTrader policy is a 6:1 intra-day and 2:1 overnight leverage on margin-able securities above $3 with a $500 account minimum. This means that the stock must be priced above $3 and must also be eligible by SureTrader to be purchased or sold with leverage. They offer trade equities (including pink sheets), options and ETFs. Quiet Exit. SureTrader quietly shut down its business in November 2019, informing clients they could either transfer securities to F1Trade or liquidate their positions and withdraw funds.. Many clients found this notice only upon logging into their accounts. They were able to place closing transactions only. The reason SureTrader gave for its demise was a change in the terms with its clearing

2014年11月3日 操作比較複雜,一些實時市場數據須另收費,非常適合專業的全球型投資者。 比較簡單(目前只有網頁版),適合對交易工具要求不高的美股新手。

. 2016年2月25日 没有在suretrader开户,在嘉维证券开户的,交易一笔4.95刀,没有最低注资限制。 支持信用卡、银联、电汇和支付宝入金 

美股新手必备利器(也就是常用网站啦) 1、券 …

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